sábado, 19 de junio de 2010

Llego la hora.. abriendo la caja de los videos de yappr

hola como estan, hace unos dias les comentaba de yappr una pagina muy buena para aprender ingles por medio del listening a traves de closed caption, bueno como les dije tuve la suerte de conocerla en fase beta y digamos que "aproveche" la oportunidad mientras era gratis y tengo la mayoria de sus subtitulos asi que sin mucho rollo aqui les paso 1 video de muestra
Este es de la pagina original

pero si van a la pagina http://es.yappr.com/welcome/Video.action?videoGuid=976C9439-7F3F-4D20-859F-614D2838DBA9 van a ver que el video solo les dura 30 segundos

aqui les paso el mismo video en youtube

y lo prometido es deuda aqui abajo les paso los subtitulos en ingles
00:00The credit crunch and tightening budgets are prompting more people to consider used cars.
00:06The automobile resource site, edmonds.com, says while new cars sales fell more than 16 percent last year…
00:13…used cars sales dropped by half that percentage, and certified pre-owned sales were flat.
00:19But you may end up spending more cash than saving it, if something goes wrong.
00:22Tonight, ABC 15's Christina Boomer explains what to look for so you know the pre-owned car isn't a lemon.
00:30We've heard some awful horror stories where people buy a used car, and they find out two weeks later the transmission's not working.
00:36And they have to spend $4,000 to get it repaired.
00:39Paul Nagy and Tanya Miller are car brokers, sharing some of their trade secrets so you don't get ripped off.
00:45A lot of accidents are not reported.
00:47But they say the body of the car can't lie; can't conceal what it's been through. Take for example, VIN stickers.
00:53You're gonna find them on the edges of all the doors. So, like this one here, is obviously intact.
01:00-But on the driver's side door... -This VIN number has been painted over. It's actually been painted silver.
01:06So that means that this door has been replaced or repainted. It means it's been in some sort of accident.
01:11Same goes for the fender. A missing sticker may mean that fender's been replaced. Another give away? The engine oil.
01:17If there's a creamy consistency, similar to mayonnaise, then that engine basically has a blown head gasket and is no good.
01:24Go ahead and start the car, put your foot on the brake.
01:26And then when you put the vehicle into drive or reverse, if you notice a hesitation of longer than two seconds…
01:33…especially if followed by a strong jerk or jolt, that transmission's wearing out. You'll wanna walk away from that vehicle.
01:39Finding faults can also help you negotiate a better deal.
01:43There's a lot of things as you're going around, they're basically either dealbreakers or negotiating points.
01:49Christina Boomer, ABC 15 News.

tengo de otros videos pero los ire subiendo por partes ya que los subtitulos no los tengo como texto, asi que he tenido que copiarlos y les he puesto con el tiempo que aparecen para que les ayude disculpen sino se ve muy presentable pensaba ponerlo como lectura pero creo q asi tampoco se ve bien espero les haya gustado este ejemplo ire añadiendo mas estos dias gracias x su visita ...... hasta pronto

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