miércoles, 4 de julio de 2012

Impressive words

We bring to you 10 impressive English words that, for once, at least, leave an impact on the listeners’ mind. Try to imbibe them and use them when you communicate.

-Ephemeral = short-lived
-Chatoyant = cat’s eye like
-Corsage = an collection of flowers in an ornament-like arrangement.
Apparition = a supernatural appearance, esp. of ghost or spirit
-Melange = agglomerate
-Alcove = a recess or small room adjacent to or opening out of a room.
-Espionage = spying to obtain secret information
-Aestivate = related to or occurring in Summer
-Conflation = blending together
-Quintessential = pure

You, surely, are impressive if you use these words when you communicate with others. Let others admire you.

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