sábado, 10 de septiembre de 2011

How To Read Forums Without Registering (Backdoor)

As you probably know, you have googled something on the net, and ended up on a forum saying:

You Probably Hit Yourself on the head, because you want to download the content so badly, you end Up registering, just to view the content, I know I have done it. Even though I am 14!
Well I am saying this: “You Don’t Have to do that anymore!”
I have the solution!
You See, Google Has a special Place In Forums, When Googlebot visits forums, They allow Access to all data to index the website.
I am going to show you how to act as Googlebot 2.1

  1. Okay First Things First, You have to get Firefox (It is way better than IE, Believe me!)
  2. Download User Agent Switcher
  3. Restart Firefox, Open and click Tools -> User Agent Switcher -> Options -> Options
  4. Click User Agents, And Click Add
  5. Put Description as Googlebot and User Agent as this: Googlebot/2.1+(+http://www.google.com/bot.html)”
  6. Click OK, and then click OK once again
  7. Go back to Tools ->; User Agent Switcher, And Click Googlebot
  8. You are done!
Here is a test website to try (just remove spaces)
  1. http://www. p o r t a l i z.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=17780
  2. http://www.h 4 c k y 0 u.org/
Another Completely Original Post From Ageniusblog.com

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